Sunday, April 18, 2010


I'm sitting in my hotel room right now waiting for my site mate Andy so we can head out to Tidili, my new home for the next two years. Andy is a third year volunteer and i learned it was because our site is apparently very tough to get information from the people at, they tend to send you on a wild goose chase to get information on anything, so its taken him a long time to gather all the information he needs for his project. And now that its all gathered he doesnt want to just leave it up to me (which is probably a good idea with my minimal tashleet) so he extended for another year. We (myself, Alexa, Ayanna, Andy and Evan -Ayannas site mate) all went to dinner last night and this is what i've learned about Tidili so far:
  • I will not be able to get the good bread that I like in my site, they dont make it because its too hard to make. i think i'm going to try and get this down with my current host family in Tazentout so i can have it on special occasions at my site (its delicious)
  • We are indeed in the mountains and we get a few inches of snow in the winter. My site doesnt get too much but the road that we have to take to leave does, so we get snowed in at times
  • I have a sbitar at my site (this is where I am supposed to be working) but it only has one nurse and he doesnt want to be there, so I work a lot with other sbitar
  • I have A LOT of primary schools in the area so I will be doing a lot of handwashing, teeth brushing types of activies
  • My town is indeed very large, 17,000 people to be exact. But its also very spread out, so i'm interested to see what that looks like

Thats it for now... I'm headed out for the week, be back in Ourzazate on Friday!


  1. I'm quite jealous of your adventures. So your site mates? These are the people you're living with then huh? So you don't have host families or anything? It's not like being a foreign exchange student is it? =) Also I'm going to comment, but not on Facebook, but via my own blogspot account since, well I have one, so might as well use it! I promise I'll comment, so keep posting fool. So I can live vicariously through your exploits!

  2. JELLY! This is so exciting! You are so brave. Is your site mate cool? And you are learning a new language! Im jealous of that. You will have to teach me some when you return and are fluent in 2 years! I miss you. I love reading the log!

  3. Exciting! (And intimidating, I'm sure.) What's a sbitar? You've probably left by now, so I hope scoping out Tidili is going well. It's really cool that Andy extended his stay and will be passing on all the stuff he's learned, it sounds like that will be a huge help and head start for you.

    What will your living arangements in Tidili be like?

  4. Based on our talk, I went crazy and bought you a bunch of Sierra Trading Post winter closeout's. Should be a good start to your Wilderness Clothing needs -- have you heard anything from other PC'ers in Morocco in regard to whether the mail will actually make it to you, or will you end up with an empty box (if it shows up at all...?). My ultimate solution would be to fly there and carry an extra suitcase with your stuff -- hoepfully it doesn't come to that, but if so, so be it -- I want my own hole in the ground though! ;O Try not to party too much..... I know that's gotta be a happenin' place since the women have make-up and all. Love you! -Dad
