Monday, May 7, 2012

Give me your ___ (insert furniture/candy/pen/clothes item here)

As I write this blog post I am sitting at the airport in Germany- going back to America.  My two years have come and gone.  Now it’s time to go home.  But really- where is home?  I just spent 2 years in Morocco- I had a house, dog, friends and family in Morocco.  In America have friends, family and a doggie in route, but no house (yet).  But I don’t know if it’s going to feel like home for a while- which is weird because this last month I’ve been dreaming about going back to America.  I guess I’m just in some sort of limbo.

To be honest, the last month I spent in site SUCKED.  It’s such a shame, because I loved the people in my site and I loved my site but I was still an outsider.  An outsider that had a lot of furniture the community knew I needed to get rid of.  So that last month meant I couldn’t sit inside or go outside my house without someone coming over to ask for something- a bed, my fridge, clothes, pens, candy-you name it.  I ended up selling half my things to my landlords family and selling the other half to Jamilas.  Obviously, this was fine with the two of them, but everyone else wanted to know why they weren’t getting anything.  That got old fast- trust me.  And it really doesn't help people don't ASK for things in Morocco- their way of asking literally translates to:  Give me ____.  And every time I would translate that in my bed I cringe.  Whatever though- I’m not going to let that last annoying month ruin my memories of my two years of service.

I said most of my goodbyes last week, before I went to Rabat to check out.  There were a lot of tears and reminiscing.  Everyone agreed the 2 years went by very fast and we had some good laughs about how terrible my language was at the beginning.  A lot of people in America have asked me how I feel about leaving- I’ve thought about it a lot but it’s still such a hard question to answer.  So forgive my future random ramblings while I try to put it into words.

One of the hardest things for me is that I know I’ll be moving onto new and bigger things.  I’m so blessed that I have a job, friends and family in Colorado.  I have a future ahead of me and lots of other adventures- inchallah.  But these families I just spent 2 years with don’t.  They will be talking about the crazy foreigner with a dog for years to come.  And when I make it back in a few years most of those people will still be there, doing the same ol’ thing.  I’ve told a lot of people that I’m ready for the next chapter in my life- and I am.  But I just wish the people in my community had another chapter to look forward to, also. 

This experience has been everything I could have ever wished for and more- so I see it only fitting my wrap up get a few blog entrees.  Next time: What Morocco/PC taught me.  Oh man, that one should be good.

Monday, April 2, 2012

It's hard to be rude in Morocco!!

I've now been in Morocco for over 2 years.  I can barely believe it.  Over these last two years there have obviously been a lot of awkward situations.  I’ve learned more than I could even possibly express in this blog but one of my favorite things about living and working in a new country/culture has been all the unique situations I’ve been put it.  In this blog I want to write about the different situations that in America would be incredibly rude, but here in Morocco- not so much.  However, after 2 years I often find myself doing these things without even thinking twice.  Enjoy the crazy stories that have been my last two years!
  • Burping loudly (in public or after a meal).  This is actually a compliment to the person who just prepared the meal.  And people do it- often.  A simple ‘l-hmdullah’ (thanks to god) after a good long, loud burp is all that’s needed. 
  • Asking someone how much they paid for something (and then telling them they paid too much).  Volunteers experience this A LOT in the beginning.  People want to know how much I paid for my fridge, bed, pants, anything.  It’s such an awkward question because you know you’re probably going to get yelled at for paying too much. I usually lie and say the item was a gift, my organization (Peace Corps) paid for it or I forgot how much I paid.  That seems to work- most of the time.
  • Inviting a person to a meeting, your home, friend’s home and then leaving them alone in a room for hours.  This happens ALL THE TIME.  In the beginning I hated it but now I carry a book around with me all the time and usually take this time to nap.
  • Telling a person they don’t know anything.  “Or tsnt waloo”  I wrote a whole blog about this one a while back.  It’s usually in regards to language.  Now I just agree, because let’s be honest- Tashlheet is hard.  And I don’t know anything.  This usually makes them feel pretty awkward and they take it back.
  • Showing up minutes, hours or days late for a meeting (if they even show up at all).  Again, drove me crazy when I first got here, but now I don’t even leave my house until the time we’re supposed to meet and it takes me about 20 minutes to walk to souk.  It’s been a nice leisurely two years, but I’m ready to get back to my schedule and getting work done when it’s supposed to be done.
  • Breastfeeding in a taxi, van or just in public.  In a country where I can’t show my knees or wear tank tops this one was pretty weird to get used to.  Honestly, it’s still weird different. 
  • Asking someone how much money they make, how much they pay for rent, pretty much anything about money is a-ok.
  • Greeting someone and then immediately asking if they are married.  If not married (me), asking why.  Then mentioning that you have a family member, friend or offering yourself for marriage.  This happens AT LEAST a few times a day.  Sometimes I like to bargain for my hand in marriage (how many camels, will you cook for me, will you clean the house…)  Depending on the person this could be fun or really creepy- gotta feel it out first.
  • It’s also not uncommon for people to ask me to help them get a visa, passport, etc to bring them back to America with me.  This is when I tell them they can come back to America with me as long as they fit in the crate with Lily.
  • Eating with your hands.  Your right one, specifically.  This one I’m totally used to and actually don’t mind.  Meals are always community style so you eat only the triangle space of food directly in front of you.  First everyone eats the juices and vegetables, then the meat last.  The meat is usually divided by the female head of the house and your section of meat is placed on a piece of bread in front of you.  And it’s ok to loudly chew or suck on the bones.  Yum.
  • Also with regards to eating its expected to put the pits of olives, bones you don’t eat or skin of fruits on the table.  Not on a plate on the table, directly on the table. For someone else to clean up.
  • Not covering your mouth when you cough.  This one still gets to me and I’m usually the first to yell at someone to cover their mouths.  This often turns into a mini health lesson about germs and how I don’t want to get sick.  They all think I’m crazy for constantly talking about germs (before we eat, when they cough or sneeze….. I’ve got pretty good at turning almost any situation into a mini health lesson)
  • Yelling at someone (in public) for not eating or sleeping at their home.  I eat at people’s homes quite often, but sometimes I just want to eat at my house.  It’s actually rude to say ‘no’ when someone invites you over for tea or a meal but its ok to say “inchallah” (god willing) or “adoor ayadni” (another time).  These are just polite nos.  But sometimes people want me to eat at their homes which are kilometers away.  And unless I really like you or I’m in the area that’s not gonna happen.  So people yell at me: in public and loudly.  Also, after I eat meals (usually dinner) at friends’ homes, they always want me to spend the night.  ALWAYS.  Even when they are my neighbors.  They just can’t understand why I would possibly want to go to my own house, wear my own pjs and sleep in my own bed.  Weird, right? 
  • Knocking on someone’s door and then asking them to give you water.  Even if you live right next door.  THIS ONE STILL DRIVES ME CRAZY.  The kids do it all the time, passing women do it all the time.  It’s fine if you’re coming back from the fields and still have a long walk ahead of you.  I have no problem with that.  However, when I can SEE your house and I KNOW you have water- absolutely not.  If I know you live in the village I’ll tell you to go home and get water at your own house (which is probably rude, but oh well.  I have to have some boundaries, right?)

As these 2 years have come to a close I’ve started to notice a lot of the small things that make Morocco and America so different.  I hope you enjoyed this silly list- it was fun writing it and thinking about all the craziness that I’ve encountered over the last two years.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Quick Update

Why hello dear friends and family of mine.  It’s been a while since I’ve updated here- so I just wanted to let you all know I’m alive and well.  The last few months have gone by quickly and have been pretty busy!  December was a quick month since I went on vacation to visit my fabulous dad and step-mom for the Christmas holiday.  Being in a Muslim country there is NO Christmas spirit and I was a bit overwhelmed at the Frankfurt airport with all the lights and trees (alright, I admit it- I almost cried) and then getting to be in a warm house, with a tree, my Italian pets, a super amazing, warm, soft bed and Christmas cookies was amazing.  After a fabulous week and a half of luxury I went to visit some friends in Spain.  I knew I wanted to go when I heard my old college roomie Colby and his girlfriend Tara would be visiting but decided it would be fun to make it a surprise.  So I filled my friend Karin in on my travel plans and surprised both Colby and Logan in Barcelona.  Another volunteer friend of mine, Jackie, decided she wanted to spend the New Year with us and we had a blast in Barcelona.  The trip was WAY too short but it was so fun to be around friends from home. 

In the last few months I’ve just been working with an association in another village trying to finalize a grant for a grain storage renovation.  We finally got the money and all the supplies have been purchased but it’s been too cold and windy to work.  They keep telling me it will only take a month once they start building but it still makes me nervous since my time here is running out.  So keep your fingers crossed that it warms up soon and we can get started on that!

I also got terribly sick last month- thank you parasite that I’ve been living with for the last year but decided to act up now.  After almost 9 days of being locked in my house (aka mud prison), sending multiple children to buy me medicine, amazing taxi drivers dropping off medicine from the big city and awesome site mates I’m finally better and have been out and about in the village.  It’s so funny how word spreads in the community- everyone knew I was sick and was worried about me.  I’m so lucky to have such awesome people around me.  Everyone wanted to help the foreigner who lives alone- Jamilas family brought me fresh baked bread every day, Nzhas family brought me fruit and veggies and everyone sent their god phrases my way.

I’ve also FINALLY got Lily spayed, vaccinated and purchased her crate for our trip home.  The whole spaying experience was a bit traumatizing, since I ended up having to leave her for about a week and a half to ensure she was ok after the surgery and the stiches could be taken out.  But she’s once again home and back to her happy self.  Since she’s spayed we’ve also been on a few walks and the kids are so happy to see her again (She wasn’t allowed outside until she got spayed because of all the stray dogs outside.) It’s amazing how the little children aren’t afraid of her, will go up and hug her, let her lick them and the parents won’t go near her because they are too scared.

I was a bit in a ‘want to go home-funk’ after my Italy/Spain vacation- ready to go home and tired of dealing with the everyday stresses that our lives here entail.  But I’ve recently realized I have less than 3 months left and I’m really going to miss these people.  So now I’m just trying to enjoy every day with these amazing people and beautiful place that I am lucky enough to call home.